Caviar Beluga

192,00 1399,00 

Jusqu'à -56%

Caviar Beluga

192,00 1399,00 

Jusqu'à -56%

King of caviar, its large eggs and grey shades with butter texture are the ultimate luxury for rarity lovers.

Origin: Bulgaria

Weight: 0kg

SKU: N/A Category:


The sturgeon: Huso Huso

Beluga caviar comes from the Siberian sturgeon called Huso Huso. The eggs can be used for the production of caviar when the female reaches the age of 17 years old. The female sturgeon also needs to remain in the same or similar environment to produce eggs.

A unique environment in Bulgaria

The Huso Huso sturgeon is raised in the lake located in the middle of a chain of mountains and also known for its extremely pure water. This fish farm has the largest reserve of Beluga caviar in Europe.

Tasting recommendation

We recommend to take the caviar out of the fridge 5 minutes before serving it. Put it on ice to keep it fresh. Use a mother-of-pearl spoon to avoid oxidation.

dégustation de caviar

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 15 cm

30g, 50g, 100g